Friday, December 16, 2011

Classification and Naming of Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples

!±8± Classification and Naming of Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples

At first the Latin names used in horticulture can seem to be a bit off putting and hard to remember. Don't worry! After a bit of practice the names will come more easily to you! Honestly!

'Acer' (pronounced Ay-Sir) is the Genus of plants known commonly as maples. Of all the maple species, the Japanese maple (known by its botanical name as Acer palmatum) is the most variable. It is this variability that we enjoy so much in these much admired trees.

There are three basic sub-species of Acer palmatum. These are: amoenum, matsumurae and palmatum. The word 'palmatum' (pronounced PAL-MATE-UM) comes from the root word PALMATE or palm-like, meaning the leaf looks like the palm of your hand with fingers.

Unnamed red leaved maples sometimes have the generic name Acer palmatum atropurpureum. 'Atropurpureum' refers to the red leaf form. Split leaf or cut leaf Japanese maples are referred to as: Acer palmatum dissectum or Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum for the red cutleaf form. Dissectum (pronounced DIE-SECK-TUM) simply describes the leaves as being dissected or split (cut) into a fine filigree form.

Naming of particular Japanese maple tree cultivars (cultivar = a distinctive plant maintained by cultivation) follows the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. Cultivar names should always be written in roman type with single 'quote' marks after the species name. For example: Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' or Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Crimson queen'.

When you are looking to buy an Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) tree you will need to answer the following questions:

What color leaf do you want? Red, green or variegated? What sort of leaf shape would you like? Regular 5-, 7- or 9-pointed leaf or the cutleaf type? How high do you want to tree to grow? Less than 6 feet tall? 6 to 12 feet tall? Over 12 feet tall? Is the tree going to be planted in full sun, partial sun or mainly in the shade?

From the answer to these questions we can progressively do a "Sherlock Holmes" investigation and eliminate particular named cultivars that do not fit the criteria selected.

For the rest of us, just plain old Japanese maple tree will do!

Examples of popular green leaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Oskazuki, Sango kaku, Shishigashira.
Examples of popular red leaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Bloodgood, Bonfire, Red emperor, Shaina.
Examples of popular green cutleaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Viridis and Waterfall.
Examples of popular red cutleaf Japanese maples cultivars are: Crimson queen, Garnet, Inaba shidare, Orangeola and Red dragon.

Classification and Naming of Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Japanese Maple Tree Nigrum Two Gallon Plant

!±8± Japanese Maple Tree Nigrum Two Gallon Plant

Brand : Clifton's Nursery | Rate : | Price : $105.00
Post Date : Dec 02, 2011 23:49:13 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

  • The Black Japanese Maple, also known as Acer palmatum 'nigrum' is a boldly hued, small garden or patio tree displaying black red new foliage maturing to deep purple red.
  • This Japanese Maple variety will be a stunning accent in your garden, providing necessary color contrast to an all green backdrop. Invaluable for Asian or Japanese styled gardens, and a worthy choice for urban gardens where the plants can be protected by buildings from wind and sun.
  • Maples even do well in large containers for porch, patio or terrace. These shade loving tree's preference for acidic soils also make them perfectly adapted to grow within the influence of needled evergreens. Smaller stature is excellent for foundation beds around homes and in naturalistic drifts of landscape.
  • Hardy to USDA zone 5 and all higher zones, this Acer can be used in just about any garden locale. Do plant in at least partial or afternoon shade for best results. The Japanese maple 'nigrum' is slow growing to about 10 feet tall or clipped to shape.
  • This premium specimen is shipped potted in soil to ensure the best possible start when planted in yard or garden.

More Specification..!!

Japanese Maple Tree Nigrum Two Gallon Plant

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Monday, November 28, 2011

A Bonsai Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Palmatum) Photographic Poster Print by Darlyne A. Murawski, 48x64

!±8±A Bonsai Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Palmatum) Photographic Poster Print by Darlyne A. Murawski, 48x64

Brand :
Rate :
Price : $199.99
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 14:06:31
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

A Bonsai Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Palmatum) is digitally printed on archival photographic paper resulting in vivid, pure color and exceptional detail that is suitable for any museum or gallery display. Finding that perfect piece to match your interest and style is easy and within your budget!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Growing Japanese Maples

!±8± Growing Japanese Maples

Caring for Japanese maples is surprisingly easy, whether in the ground or in containers and growing them is simple and straightforward. Follow the rules and your maple will thrive; numerous examples in cultivation are now well over a century old and still as vigorous as when they were first planted.

Much has been written on what their alleged needs are but most information is not based on an understanding of how they grow in the wild. Looking at the natural environment in which a plant grows will give you all the clues on how to care for it and this applies to all plants, not just Japanese maples.No distinction need be made between caring for a red Japanese maple, a dwarf Japanese maple or any other type; they are all varieties of one species; Acer palmatum and as such they all have the same care requirements.

Providing they have a balanced and natural growing medium, which, incidentally, includes a complete indifference to either an acid or an alkaline soil, their fertilizer needs are minimal and have only modest, and consistent water requirements that are easily achieved. Get the watering regime wrong and you are guaranteed to damage your maple and in extreme cases, even kill it! In most situations the best course of action is never water at all.

Major pruning can be undertaken without any worry of damage and trimming during the growing season can also be helpful in controlling shape and size. Japanese maples respond well to pruning at the correct time of year and in many instances pruning is essential to control the long-term shape and size. Some varieties, if pruning is not carried out at an early age, will take many years to develop their true shape and can be a source of disappointment when they are young.

Transplanting, even of older trees, can successfully be done at the right time of year with the correct planning and where they have become too large for the position they are in, can mean the difference between saving it or destroying it. Moving from container growing to open ground cultivation is a simple task that requires no excessive preparation and when done at the correct time of year will result in rapid establishment in it's new position.

Pests are mostly absent from a healthy, vigorous ones and this applies equally to fungal infections. A drying up, dying or dead tree, particularly if it happens shortly after you have bought it, is rarely the fault of the gardener as symptoms do not happen overnight. With the correct advice and care, however, most can be brought back to full health. Symptoms of ill-health are a direct consequence of the care or lack of it that is given to your plant and understanding the relationship of cause and effect will eliminate all of the problems the gardener can encounter.

Growing Japanese Maples

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